A simple, lightweight tool to check if Xbox gamertags are taken. Our IP Logging tool allows you to easily log/track anyones IP address simply by having them click a link that you've generated, once someone clicks your link, you will be able to view their IP address along with the IP address of anyone else that has clicked your link!
Gamertag Availability Lookup
- The Gamertag search tool is very useful if you need to check if a Gamertag is available or taken. Also, you can check multiple Gamertags and make a list of available Gamertags you like prior to setting one for your account. Considering that you can only change a Gamertag limited times before paying for the change this is a very good idea.
What Is A Gamertag?

- A Gamertag is basically a username for your Xbox character, something that will represent you in the Xbox ecosystem. It's what other gamers will know you by and call you and what they see when you are playing with them. An easy to remember and catchy Gamertag will make you stand out in the crowd so it is a good idea to test multiple Gamertag ideas before choosing the proper one for your Xbox account.
How To Get A Gamertag?
- The first step is to gather a list of Gamertag ideas. It can be linked to your preferences or some other factors. Then, you need to check each idea to see if it is available. Each Gamertag has to be unique, there can not be two different accounts with the same Gamertag. If a Gamertag is already taken you must choose something else.
How To Change A Gamertag?
- By default, a Gamertag is generated when you create the Xbox account. But usually they are pretty ugly and hard to remember. Most likely you don't like it because you are here to check available Gamertags. Be aware that you can only change it once for free. The fee varies by region but generally costs around 10 US dollars. You can find the option to change your Gamertag in the personalization/profile settings into your Xbox account or console settings.
You will need to install Microsoft Silverlight to use LANC-Remastered. Click Here.
WIN10PCAP is an updated version of WINPCAP and is need for this tutorial. Click Here.
How to make money with RobinhoodHow to pull IP's on Xbox One
Open the zipped Lanc-Remastered and unzip it somewhere. Open Lanc-Remastered.
>Step Two
Select your network adapter and set both boxes to 'ON' in the top right (ARP Spoofing and Filter.)
>Step Three
Go onto your Xbox One and open Settings > Network Settings > and take note of your Xbox's IP address.
Xbox Live
>Step Four

In the ARP Spoofing tab, your 'From' value IP should be your default gateway (router), it should be the first IP at the top. Now change your 'To' IP to your Xbox IP you wrote down earlier.
>Step Five
In the Filter tab, type in 3074 as the destination port. (3074 is the port for Xbox One.)
>Step Six
Reverse Gamertag Lookup Xbox One
Press the 'Start Pulling' button at the top right corner.
>Step Seven
You should now be able to go in the 'Active Connections' tab and see your friends IP addresses.
>Step Eight
Xbox One Gamertag Ip Finder
If you are running into issues, try going to your PC Settings > Network and Internet > Change Adapter Options. Now right click on your internet connection and scroll down to IPV6 and untick the box, now restart your PC. Profit?
Xbox Gamertag Search Ip
>Step Nine (Troubleshooting)